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Here’s the breakdown of this back workout:
Chin ups: 3-4 sets, even adding weight via a dip belt to overload the muscle. Neutral grip shown, but other grips used on further sets. 12-15 reps (to failure)
Lat Pulldown: 3 main working sets, progressing in weight each set. 8-10 reps.
Barbell Rows: 4 big sets, with 3rd set being heaviest, drop set on 4th set. No higher than 10 reps.
Seated Cable Row: 3 working sets. 12 reps each, small progression in weight on each set.
One Arm Dumbbell Row: 2 sets each arm. Both at 10-12 reps.
All machines are from Powertec. You can get 10% off any purchase by using code ‘rob10’ through this link: