
There’s a reason Milos Sarcev is a legendary bodybuilder and trainer. You don’t achieve that status with run-of-the-mill training sessions. The back workout he recently took JYM Athlete and IFBB Classic Physique pro Stefan Rivera-Clack through may soon become the stuff of legend, too. It’s a good thing we captured the entire workout on video
In today’s video Show Up Fitness teaches you how to create a program for a client with our revolutionary CCA: core, core, accessory. Learn how to design a workout plan for a beginner who wants to grow their booty. #bootyplan #bootyworkout #workoutplan #workoutprogram #showupfitness Become a LEVEL 1 SHOW UP FITNESS COACH HERE SIGN
Discover the best ways to help hide and conceal your tummy when styling an outfit! Learn useful ways to hide your tummy so that you feel comfortable all day and not stressed about your changing body shape and that dreaded belly fat! Watch the full video here… 🌸 CLICK HERE FOR MORE 30 MINUTE
Dumbbell arm workouts are the way to go if you’re looking to get stronger in your upper body, especially if you don’t have access to tons of equipment and gym machines. With just a few pairs of dumbbells, a solid selection of dumbbell arm exercises, and a consistent routine (trainers recommend at least two strength