
Vaping has become an undeniable part of American culture. As of 2021, about 4.5 percent of adults in the U.S. smoked e-cigarettes, with 18 to 24-year-olds being the most heavy users (around 11 percent). Thanks to its convenience, social acceptance, and addictive qualities, vaping has a grip on a growing number of folks — so
It’s that time of year again where runners are back outside putting in those miles. What some don’t realize is the importance of strength training in their running programs. Strength training has been shown to increase running performance and reduce the likelihood of injury (6, 2, 3).  If you are a runner looking for strength
Image Source: MindTravel Meditation may serve as a brief escape from the chaos of everyday life, but musician and meditation expert Murray Hidary can do you one better. Hidary is the mastermind behind MindTravel, a meditation platform that completely transports its participants through uniquely immersive experiences and live music. It’s a far cry from the
There is a lot of conflicting information surrounding post-exercise nutrition: anabolic window, blood sugar levels, insulin spiking, and eating post-workout carbs (1). Many articles or bodybuilders will tell you that you must eat protein with simple carbohydrates like maltodextrin or glucose directly after your workout so that you do not miss out on the anabolic
There are two key points to an effective workout: executing each exercise with proper form and structuring the exercises in a sound order. This article will discuss some strategies to program exercises correctly, focusing on the optimal order for resistance training workouts. Programming exercise order correctly can lead to increased gains, sustained energy throughout the
Courtney, 27, learned about advance provision — a practice that involves ordering abortion pills as a precautionary measure — during a TikTok scroll. Once she found there were telehealth organizations safely shipping abortion pills to states with abortion bans, she sought her own supply. Living in Arkansas, where abortion is completely banned, paired with recently
Shelby Forsythia can’t listen to the song “Wrecking Ball” by Miley Cyrus without being reminded of grief. When she learned that her mom’s breast cancer would be terminal in December 2013, Forsythia used running and music as a way to cope. She’d play the pop ballad on repeat through the long cord of her headphones