
It wasn’t long ago that kettlebells were practically unknown, and nobody knew anything about how to train with them. These days you can find kettlebells at almost any gym in the world, and they have become an incredibly popular tool for fitness. One could argue people still don’t know how to train with kettlebells though,
Despite the aesthetically astonishing images of people bending their bodies into elaborate positions, the fascinating Instagram stories of sincere yoga practitioners, etc., the reality is you don’t have to be acrobatic or a contortionist to maneuver into yoga postures. In fact, enhanced flexibility is one of the primary aims of the art of yoga. Hence,
Ready to change your fitness routine? Ready to try something new? Try this at-home yoga routine to help you increase your flexibility and improve your overall health! It doesn’t get much better than that, right? An at-home yoga routine at its finest Whether yoga is the only thing you do or a supplement to another activity,
Did you know that you can lose weight without getting up from your chair, without taking a break from an exciting game at a live casino, without going to the gym, and without grueling jogging? Little effort needed: Easy Ways to Burn Calories The most seemingly inconspicuous habits can be serious causes of weight gain.
If you are a person who suffers from chronic lower back pain or have recently suffered trauma to your spinal cord or back because of an accident, you will need to do some stretching and therapy to get back to the way you were, pre-trauma. Even sitting at at desk all day or being more
Everyone loves a good workout that you can actually feel making changes to your body while you do it! This is why HIIT / EPOC training is so popular these days. High-intensity interval training is great bang for your buck when it comes to workouts. It doesn’t take the whole day to do and your
If you are struggling to stay healthy, you may be surprised that betting can be your motivation to achieve your goals. Many would disagree with this statement but the research that was done in 2012 revealed that we get more motivated to improve on our health, fitness, and appearance if there is good money on
Carpal tunnel syndrome, also known as median nerve compression, is a condition resulting in things like tingling, numbness, and weakness in the hands. These symptoms typically take place when your median nerve experiences pressure. This nerve runs through the length of your arm and through a small passage located in your wrist. What is Carpal
In the modern world, many people are looking for that extra boost in performance and quality in meeting their health & fitness goals. Gyms, once the domain of bodybuilders, became increasingly popular from the 1980s onwards, and in recent decades more and more people have been learning about and enjoying the benefits of a personal
Although each great soccer player has a unique playing skill set, attributes, and style, there are essential soccer skills you need to master. Iconic soccer players like Lionel Messi and Christiano Ronaldo work hard and take a lot of time to master their skills. Check out these soccer skills to master There are various skills
Physical activity and exercise play a crucial role in not only preventing Type 2 diabetes but also managing it for those who already have it. This is due to several effects that exercise has on our bodies. If executed correctly, these effects can do wonders in helping people manage their blood glucose. Today, we will
Today’s topic is one that’s very near and dear to my heart: women’s health and fitness! While all genders and people face unique and individualized situations, I feel that there can be some commonalities among folks that share similar identities. Fitness Tips For Women Being a female, at least in my experience, comes with some
Lifting free weights isn’t the only way to build and increase your strength, mobility, and stamina. Another way is to perform exercises that use your weight as resistance, like pushups and pullups. Those exercises are referred to as calisthenics. It’s a popular form of resistance training that you can do to develop your muscles and
Ice baths are gaining popularity, and there are a lot of reasons for that!  They’re great for those who want to recover from a rough workout and fantastic for others who deal with chronic exhaustion or countless muscle cramps or pains. Harmful Effects of Ice Baths? Unfortunately, nothing is perfect, and there are a few
Having a strong core is vital for posture and just quality day-to-day living, and it seems everyone loves working their cores to death. While we’ve repeated that 500 crunches won’t give you those 6-pack abs (you can’t spot train fat loss), it’s always a good idea to keep the core strong and sturdy! Spot on ab
Health and fitness are not necessarily a natural passion for everyone however they are essential for overall high quality of life. It has been said that cultivating a habit as a child is easier than doing so as an adult and doing this with health and wellness is no exception. Creating opportunities within your family