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Hey friends! It occurred to me earlier today that a lot of people ask me this question and it may help if I made a video addressing it. Here’s a copy paste from the tl;dr section at the beginning: The best workout schedule for you is the one you can do consistently long-term while still
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  In this episode, I’m delighted to join Tony Gentilcore to discuss how he charted his path within the fitness industry and has built a thriving business using coaching, writing, and educating. Read A Successful Career in Fitness With Tony Gentilcore at its original source Breaking Muscle: https://breakingmuscle.com/fitness/a-successful-career-in-fitness-with-tony-gentilcore
My Workout routine for a 22kg weight loss – A Week of working out Subscribe: https://bit.ly/3au4b02 My Weight loss plans: https://paddlefish-hen-zxl9members.squarespace.com/ My podcast @thedailystudentpodcast on instagram Follow my fitness motivation page on instagram: @mydailystudent For Business enquires only email: Kimberleychiororo.personal@gmail.com Disclaimer: every body is different and fine the way it is, why and how i