I wanted to take some time to talk to you about yoga! It’s so amazing for the body, mind, and soul! While I don’t think it’s the only exercise one should do, it is quite beneficial when implemented consistently and correctly. Yoga Categories Before I begin by listing the benefits, I wanted to break yoga down
When we learn a skill, whether it is sports, music, painting, chess, or something completely different, some experts contend that we go through various stages over time. These stages reflect two things: Our increasing sophistication relative to the skill Our metacognitive awareness of that sophistication, or our understanding of our understanding The Conscious Competence model helps
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Simple Seated Core Strengthening Workout for Seniors- At Home Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/physicaltherapyvideo Website: https://bobandbrad.com/ Bob and Brad demonstrate a core strengthening workout for seniors. You will need a chair to complete this workout. This Week’s Giveaway: We are giving away 1 Thermotex Platinum Giveaway link: https://bobandbrad.com/giveaways Purchase link: http://www.thermotex.com/bobandbrad/ Discount code: FAMOUSPTX Discount of $30.50
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The basics of pre-workout and post-workout meals! What are pre/post workout meals? When do you eat them? Who needs pre/post workout meals? And why should we have them… or shouldn’t we? SUBSCRIBE for new videos every Monday and Thursday!: http://bit.ly/MindOverMunch Click to download today’s FREE PDF: http://www.mindovermunch.com/kickstart-2016/January9-Pre:PostWorkoutMeals.pdf LAST EPISODE More Mind Over Munch! Instagram: http://instagram.com/alyssiasheikh